Leaders for Leeds Discussion
Leaders Connecting to Leaders – Everyone Working for Everyone to make Leeds a City where Communities Flourish Together.
What is Leadership?
Leadership in the context of this blog means the ability to act and influence action in others. It assumes that all the people of Leeds have ‘Response-Ability’ to lead. They are empowered to act as individuals and co-operatively toward a common purpose, identified through acceptance of city values. Leaders for Leeds is everyone working for everyone, it is the vibrant energy that innovates and inspires, within and between communities, guided by shared city values.
What are the City’s Shared Values?
The city of Leeds is a reflection of the values of: Diversity, Unity, Innovation, Endeavour, Honour, Honesty, Respect and Selflessness. These values are the core values of the city that resonate with everybody regardless of community. There are many other values within communities across the city, but the core values are implicit across all communities. Leaders for Leeds are role models of these values, regardless of social position. Their actions inspire others to live the values, creating a living, learning and ethical values-based culture.
How Does a Values-Based Culture Get Things Done?
The Leaders for Leeds values-based culture is about leading by example, energising creativity. It is achieved through individuals and communities helping each other to grow their ideas and foster opportunity, creating a climate of reciprocal trust. This creates a ‘contagion effect’ where innovation creates inspiration empowering communities to develop their own unique identity, connected by the City’s shared core values. The core values provide a guide for innovative action.
Leaders for Leeds are those people, from top to bottom across the City, with inspiration as well as those who help them innovate and achieve. The core values cannot be taught, nor can they be laminated, but they can be lived.